Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where (I)t Stands

Contrary to the recent, disquieting events in the neighborhood (North Africa/ Middle East), Morocco has remained relatively peaceful. Local protests have maintained modesty and are not expected to reach the epic levels witnessed in the rest of the region.

One of my local friends made interesting remarks as to why he believes Morocco will not follow the forceful, and in some instances violent footsteps of other Arab nations. It is worth sharing.

Morocco (Unlike The Others)

The high points:

  • Moroccans, in general, are satisfied with their government, particularly the king. They see him as a young active king that has made much progress throughout his reign
  • Moroccans have had and currently have the freedom to protest without fear of government sanctions
  • Moroccans have had and currently have mobility with regard to creating associations and various activist groups
  • Moroccans have had and currently have mobility with regard to internet usage

my tidbit

One way in which a government can successfully operate without revolt is to allow the voices of its people to be heard or at least give the impression that it is listening to the people. While many Moroccans may desire change within their government (as is the case within most governments), there are numerous means by which they can perceive themselves as autonomous agents, able to effect such change.

In other news:


  • I honestly believed I was going to escape Morocco unscathed by the microscopic powers that be---you know, the 'microscopic powers' that have an affinity for rendering volunteers lifeless and begging on their knees (or stomach or back or side or anywhere within aiming distance of the turk) for mercy. Alas, my blind faith was not enough, I have giardia aka ruthless parasitic infection aka little shits swimming about in my shit (click here for info). Symptoms include excruciating stomach pains, diarrhea, vomiting and inability to function outside of the home. As directed by the Peace Corps doctor I have taken a large dosage of tinidazole, that is an antibiotic aimed at annihilating these tiny, yet hugely troublesome, sons of bitches. I am not bitter. I promise.

nighttime yoga

  • I have been doing yoga at 12am. Who does that? Who am I? Good questions to ask, at midnight, while doing yoga.

post peace corps (grad school)

  • I/O Psychology or Positive Organizational Psychology are grad programs I have been considering. Locations include: Southern California, Seattle, Portland, New York, Chicago and Atlanta. Time to make some decisions.

landlord (the characters in my life)

  • My landlord, who I love and adore, wants to sell the apartment I am renting. He has been making random visits with random neighbors to show the place. Today he came over, and after listening to his gruff voice huffing through the window, as per usual, saying my name "wuss, wuss," I gathered enough energy to wobble down the stairs and answer the door. Apparently my gym shorts complimented by a dressy v-neck sweater, overall disheveled appearance and undoubtedly gaunt face (the result of a weekend escapade with 'the micro powers') made it clear that I was not in the mood for guests. He made a joke to me, chuckled at his joke, ignored the potential buyer waiting to see the house and walked away. I shut the door and went back to bed. Hehe